Science Park

science park

A science park in a school does exactly that. Basically, a science, maths, or social science park in a school is an open playground for kids of all ages, with very specific equipment to play with. The school carefully chooses these equipment in such a way that they demonstrate specific scientific principles, while being fun to use as well.

A science park is the best way to teach science informally to kids. It encourages children to play with hardware that actually demonstrates something, rather than burying their noses in textbooks. Obviously, textbooks can only take you so far. But hands-on practical learning will stay etched in your memory forever.

The basic idea behind a science park is to enable children of all ages to learn science interactively outside the confines of a laboratory. Normally, there are quite a few scientific theories that you can see in action in a lab. But that’s not feasible for young children; so instead, you make rugged big working models of those principles and place them on a playground. Children would interact with them and have fun doing it (who doesn’t like talking through a long tube?), while a teacher or older students can explain why it works that way.